How to take apart lens from the rangefinder camera body easily by remove 4 screws.


There are 4 tiny screws at the front of the (in this case Yashica YL rangefinder) camera body to hold the lens. However, the first, second and forth screw is under the leather skin.

* The position of screws is difference from model to model. The most Japanese cameras place all four screws under the skin.


1. To remove the first screw, peel the skin and use flat-head screw driver unscrew it out.

 * some model use phllips-head screw.


- Use screw driver to remove the first screw.


- Take screw out.


2. The second screw is under the skin at the left side of lens.


- Remove this screw using the screw driver.


- The second screw is removed.

3. The third screw is in the upper left corner of the lens can be removed using screw driver.

4. The fourth screw, last one, is in the upper right corner of the lens.


5. All 4 holding-lens screws are removed as the red arrow pointed.

6.  The lens set can be removed easily by pull the corner of the rear plate of the lens with flat head screw driver.

- Take apart the lens  from body easily.

- Take the lens out. * may be some camera model has wires link into the body that need to be cut.

-  The lens with  rear plate is removed from the camera body.

7. The weight of lens with rear plate.

